Network Security can seem like a daunting task with all the new threats that continually pop-up. When you think you’ve got your bases covered,
5 Steps to Achieve a Healthy, Virus-Free Computer
Viruses are no fun for you or your computer and can be incredibly frustrating. If you notice strange emails being sent from your email address,
The Many Benefits of Synchronized Security
It was another great night with customers and Eric and Dan from Sophos! We spent the evening tasting Kannah Creek beer and learning about Synchronized
3 Reasons You Should Use Secure-IT
Networks Unlimited believes the best way to ward against malware and cyber-attacks is to have a multi-layered security approach. One of those items
One Way to Help Companies Secure Their Computers
Computer updates. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those little pop-ups that rear their heads at all hours of the day and night. And what do you
Eliminate Unauthorized Web-Surfing Once and For All
Employees, whether they mean to or not, get viruses from websites they visit while at work. Sometimes that malware can be on sites that they regularly
How to Use Networks Unlimited to get Amazing Antivirus Protection
We’ve all heard that having antivirus software installed on your computer is VERY important, but why? What does an antivirus do? Even though we hear
Why Update Your Computer or Office Equipment?
We've all been there; seeing that little pop up that something or other has an update for installation and ignoring it. We are all guilty of
Signs You Might Have an Infected Computer
Have you been wondering if it is time to get your computer in for once-over? Do you think you have an infected computer? If you are experiencing any