What is Phishing?
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information. These emails can look like emails from your bank, package delivery alerts, invoices from vendors you do business with, or IRS notifications. They look genuine and post some urgency in the message to make you take action immediately.
How Do you Stop Phishing?
Knowledge and Training are the only ways for you to combat Phishing attacks. Employees need to understand how to protect sensitive company data. Employees need training that is interesting and engaging. Training leads to fewer PC rebuilds, reduced IT expenses and less employee downtime.
User Security Training Includes:
Each employee will go through an initial training conducted Online. This training is trackable, so managers can remind employees to complete training. The online format allows for employees to complete training when time allows, and at the comfort of their space. Companies can also opt into weekly micro security for employees. These are delivered via email and are one to two-minute bite-sized training modules to keep security fresh in their minds.
Every month your staff will receive new information regarding the best ways to combat phishing and malware attacks, tips on what to look out for, news on the newest emerging scams, ransomware or phishing attacks, and tips to keep them safe. All of this information is delivered via email and will reinforce security training within your organization.
Every quarter Networks Unlimited will send out a unique phishing email to employees within your company. These fake phishing emails test your employee awareness and are trackable to know who has clicked, opened, or responded to the false attack. Managers have the ability to check on the progress of these emails and are provided a detailed report at the end of the simulation. The quarterly report includes data specifying which employees need more training, what threats you need to watch out for, additional security recommendations, and a risk determination for your organization.